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Nature’s beauty hacks: Unleashing the power of your kitchen cupboard

Updated: Jul 7, 2023

As lovers of all things organic and handmade, we at Butterflies with Beauty truly believe in the magic that Mother Nature has stored for us. It's no secret that many conventional beauty products often come loaded with hard-to-pronounce ingredients that can be potentially harmful to our skin and overall health. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to creating organic, natural beauty products that you can trust.

In addition to our product line of bath bombs, shower steamers, pillow sprays and body scrubs, we also believe that some of the best beauty hacks are sitting right in your kitchen cupboard. These common ingredients not only serve to nourish your body from the inside but can also provide amazing beauty benefits when used topically. Let’s explore some of the ways you can harness the beauty-boosting power of everyday items.

Natural skincare ingredients - olive oil, honey, avocado, green tea, apple cider vinegar, lemon

Olive oil as a deep hair conditioner

Long celebrated in Mediterranean cultures for its health and beauty benefits, olive oil can serve as an amazing deep conditioner for dry or damaged hair. Simply warm a bit of olive oil, apply to your hair from roots to ends, wrap your hair in a warm towel, and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing out. You'll be left with shiny, silky hair that's full of life!

Honey as a natural exfoliator

Honey, particularly raw and unprocessed, is a great natural exfoliator, thanks to its antimicrobial properties and gentle enzymes. Mix it with a little oatmeal or sugar for a nourishing, homemade facial scrub that can help remove dead skin cells and leave your skin feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Banana and avocado face mask

Rich in antioxidants and healthy fats, avocados and bananas can work wonders on your skin. Mash half a banana with half an avocado and apply the paste to your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask will leave your skin hydrated, soft, and supple.

Green tea bags for puffy eyes

Don't toss out those used green tea bags just yet. They can help soothe puffy, tired eyes. Cool them in the refrigerator and place them over your eyes for about 10 minutes. The natural caffeine and antioxidants in the tea help to tighten the skin and reduce swelling.

Apple cider vinegar for scalp health

Apple cider vinegar is known to balance your scalp's pH levels and remove product build-up, promoting healthier hair. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar with water, apply to your scalp, leave on for a few minutes, then rinse out.

Lemon for brighter nails

Got yellow or stained nails? Lemon's natural bleaching properties can help. Just squeeze some fresh lemon juice into a bowl, soak your nails for about 10 minutes, and rinse.

Remember, just like any beauty product, it's important to patch test these natural remedies to ensure they are suitable for your skin type. It’s also essential to keep in mind that while these hacks offer short-term results, maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and following a consistent skincare routine can contribute to long-term beauty and health benefits.

At Butterflies with Beauty, we take the essence of these natural ingredients and infuse them into our handcrafted products, taking the guesswork out of your beauty routine. For more beauty hacks, skincare tips, and updates on our latest product offerings, subscribe to our blog or follow us on our social media channels.

Happy experimenting, and stay beautiful naturally!

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